7 Things You Most Likely Didn't Know About Cybersecurity Courses In Philadelphia


Life becomes more and more comfortable with the advent of digital devices and internet support. The internet brought some of the positive changes in today’s lives, there are always plenty of challenges to protect your data security. With the increase of cybersecurity, there is the rise of cyberattacks. In this blog, we will go to discuss some of the different types of cyberattacks to prevent your data from cyber-attacks by learning Cybersecurity Courses in Philadelphia from PITC Institute.

Basic Understanding of Cyber Attacks

The Cyber-Attacks have a variety of negative effects that include data breaches, data manipulation, and the loss of data. Cyber attacks incur industrial reputational damage. If you want to put curb cyberattacks most people tried to learn cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is the method that secures your networks, computer systems, and various components from unauthorized digital access.

The COVID-19 Pandemic outbreak also put an adverse impact on cybersecurity. According to the suggestion of Interpol and the WHO, it has been noted that the number of cyberattacks increases during the pandemic situation.

Types of CyberAttacks

There is a variety of cyber-attacks happening in the world Today.  To protect your data from cyber-attacks you will need to understand every aspect of cyberattacks. Here we are going to examine some important types of the cyber-attacks you must need to know :



Malware Attacks

Malware Attacks are the most common type of cyberattacks. It refers to malicious software viruses including worms, ransomware, adware, and trojans. The trojan virus disguises are one of the legitimate software. On the other hand Ransomware blocks access to some of the key components and the spyware that steals confidential data information without having your knowledge. Moreover, Adware is the software in which you display the advertising content such as the banner on some of the user screens.


Phishing Attacks


Phishing cyberattacks are one of the most prominent widespread. This type of attack is considered a social engineering attack in which the attacker impersonates to send some inappropriate emails from fake ids.


In this, the victims suddenly open the mails and click on the malicious links. In this, the attackers gain access to the individual’s confidential information and their account credentials. They can access and install the malware with the help of a phishing attack.


Password Attack


This is a form of attack where hackers use various password cracking programs and tools such as Aircrack, Cain, Abel, John the Ripper, and Hashcat to crack passwords. There are various types of password attacks, such as brute force attacks, dictionary attacks, and keylogger attacks.

Insider Threat

Internal threats are insiders, not third parties. In such cases; it is possible that the person in the organization knows everything about the organization. Insider threats can cause enormous damage. The insider threat is widespread in small businesses where employees can use their data to access multiple accounts. There are many reasons for this form of attack, which can be greedy, malicious, or careless. It's difficult because it's difficult to predict insider threats.

Final Words

With the increasing number of cybercrimes today it is important for you to be aware of cyberattacks. These are some of the important types of cybersecurity to protect your data from any kind of cybercrime. If you’re thinking to get training in cybersecurity courses get in touch with the PITC Institute Cybersecurity School In Philadelphia to get knowledge about network security. 


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